What is Success Tracking?

Success Tracking is a “Fitbit for work” approach for individuals and teams to self-optimise.

Our insight is that regular feedback alone can motivate behaviour change, especially when it’s something you care about. “Your score is 68% and you’re ranked 12th among your peers” – that’s meaningful and spurs change.

The benefit of a success tracking program is that when individuals and teams review past performance and optimise future behaviour as a result, both they and the organisation they work for continuously improve.


The success tracking approach is consists of the following key principles:

Player Opt-in

Since the only person you can change is yourself, a success tracking program achieves true ownership by asking players to opt-in, or at the very least gives them the ability to opt-out!

Positive Scorekeeping

We only count what we want more of. This allows us to recognise great performance and show players how to win.

Data Storytelling

Data + Stories = Emotional Resonance.  A simple story like: “You’re up 3 places this week” is instantly engaging, far more than looking at a dry list of just numbers.

Single Consolidated Score

A single score simply communicates whether performance has been good or bad and allows instant comparison with others. Metric weighting allows tracking of multiple behaviours.

Regular Feedback Loop

Sending results directly to the player on a regular basis, e.g. a weekly score that lands in their inbox, creates a call to action week in, week out.

Intrinsic Reward

By tracking success and self-optimising, a player can get better at the activity they themselves want to excel at.  Adding incentives only distorts the motivation of the players: it encourages gaming for the sake of a prize.

Business Benefits

If business objectives are woven into the metrics being tracked, then players, who achieve success themselves, will also be delivering against organisation goals.

How to provide success tracking tools to your team

If you’re interested in how success tracking can work for you and your organisation, then please contact us and request the “7 steps to deliver success tracking in your team or organisation”.

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